We are located off Athens Road at the bottom of the Wyndale subdivision. Our address is 145 Wyndale Drive Princeton, WV 24739. A building project was started several years ago so our main entrance is up the ramp towards the back of the parking lot near the storage building. Once entering the door, you will enter through the kitchen and the foyer is straight ahead. We look forward to seeing you!
Sunday services are as follows:
Sunday School: 10 am large group format
Sunday Worship: 11 am
Sunday Study and Prayer Meeting: 6 pm
We do not focus on a traditional or modern worship style, however we focus on worshipping the Lord with genuine hearts. We use a variety of traditional and modern hymns as well as some newer praise music. We love to sing to Jesus and we hope you will join us!
Pastor CJ practices systematic expositional preaching. That means he preaches through a whole book of the Bible with smaller chunks of a passage each week explaining how we can use that in our modern context and giving application for the congregation to take away.
We are a Southern Baptist Church which means we cooperate and partner with other like-minded belivers to spread the Gospel. More info can be found here: https://www.sbc.net/about/